Thursday, October 27, 2011

Circle of Life

I wanted to share this insight I felt when I was watching the movie 50/50 the other day. The movie was pretty lovely and Seth Rogan is hilarious, but I'll spare you my critical analysis of the entire movie, I'll just say it's worth checking out. I think being pregnant I feel more connected to the fact that birth and death have an intimate relationship. They are the passages in and out of this world. Without spoiling the movie I'll just tell you it's about a young man diagnosed with cancer and his odds for survival are 50%, hence the title. Well, one of the things I realized watching the hospital scenes is how sensitive and intimate it is to be faced with mortality and the medical world is very ill equip to deal with the emotional and spiritual aspects of death and illness. I've heard that there is a special kind of "midwife" that assists in the death process. That makes so much sense to me! I think there needs to be a midwife and/or doula for death. It is too important of a transition in our life to be unassisted in that way! It is our final moment on this plane, just as sacred as our first moments.

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