Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sequoia and I attended our second new mommy group today at Natural Resources.  Every Thursday they have a drop in circle for new mothers with babies 0-3 mos old.  It's just 5 blocks away, so I can put her in a front carrier and walk there and it's only an hour long, so it's not too much to manage.  I think it's a really good thing to do.  It's facilitated by a doula and mother of 2.  So far all we do is go around the room and give our name, our baby's name how old our baby is and where we are mentally, from losing it to maternal bliss, and then one question or thing we're struggling with.

The groups is actually really great, because after we've gone around the circle and shared our question or challenge, it just really normalizes what we're all going through.  It's OK that you cry a lot.  Lots of moms don't feel gushingly happy and in love with their baby right away.  Babies cry, a lot, they sleep a lot, they're awake when you don't want them to be, they don't give much in the early days and they're constantly changing.  That's the big take home message she impresses on us, 'whatever it is you're experiencing with your baby, good and bad, just enjoy it or bare with it, because it's not going to last.

I think I shall continue meeting with this group.  It's good just to have something to get out of the house for!

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